/by melaacThe MELA Process
/by melaacThe MELA Process: 5 Easy Steps
The Process is Quite Simple

1) We learn about your needs
We want to know about you! We learn about your vision, goal, audience, budget, and any other factors that would play a role in booking an artist.
Depending on the scope of work, we’ll determine the ways in which you can engage MELA – be it as producer (to bring in an existing or new work), consultant (to building relationships with the community or provide curatorial support), and/or booking agent.
2) MELA does the legwork
Based on your inputs, we propose ideas for you to consider and take a closer look at all the factors to consider. We take the information you’ve shared with us to inform our research to identify the best artists for you.
This can include:
– learning more about your local community
– identifying potential partners
– serving as a liaison with community partners
– checking on artist availability and pricing

3) You get a curated list of options
Based on your inputs and our research, we’ll come back to you with a curated list of South Asian music and/or dance options. This can include custom created performances and crafting residencies or engagement activities alongside your team.
We strive to provide you as much detail as possible to make an informed decision, this can include, but is not limited to: videos, bios, pricing, communities the work would resonate with.
Don’t see an option that fits just right? Don’t worry! With your feedback, we’ll refine our parameters, go back to step 2 to come back with another list of options until you find what you are looking for.
4) You confirm the artist(s) with a contract and deposit
Once we’ve found the perfect fit for you in Step 3, we’ll draw up a contract* for the engagement and take a deposit from you to secure the booking.
We’ll also connect you with the artist to work out day of logistics and other details. Should you face any difficulties, MELA is always here to assist in the process. If there are multiple artists and/or MELA is engaged as the producer of the event, we would be your point of contact.

5) Working for Success and Creating Memories
Once the artist is confirmed, we work with you to the best of our abilities to ensure that the engagement is a success, this can include connecting you to marketing specialists and other resources.
The day of the event or performance arrives and memories are created.